What To Do When There's an Electrical Fire
Remember to never us water on an electrical fire. If the fire is small and contained, you may want to attempt to put it out using a fire blanket or CO2 extinguisher if you have one.Remember to cut off the power to the areas if safe to do so, this can help prevent the fire from spreading. If the fire is too big, call an emergency service immediately.Safety is the number one priority when dealing with any type of emergency situation, make sure no one is in harms way, evacuate if necessary.When the problem has been resolved, call an emergency electrician to conduct both an electrical installation condition report and a portable appliance test. This will ensure the your home is safe from a repeat incident.
What is an Electrical Fire?
An electrical fire is a fire that originates from electrical sources or components. When this type of fire occurs, it often manifests as sparks, arcing, or smoldering at the point of origin, such as outlets, switches, appliances, or electrical panels.
Most Common Causes of Electrical Fires
Here are some of the most common causes of fires related to electricity:
- Faulty Wiring:
- Old Appliances
- Overloaded Circuits
- Extension Cords
- Water interference
- Light Fixtures
- Portable Heaters
- Fuse Board Issues
- Extension Cords
- Power Surges
It’s also important to note, if you’ve had a power cut that’s isolated to your home, you could be at risk of electrical fire. Be sure to take the necessary precautions and steps to make sure your home is safe.
Hazard Signs
Fires concerning electricity are not always obvious. here are some tell tale signs you might have an electrical fire on your hands:
- Sparks or Arcing
- Flickering Lights
- Burning Odor
- Warm Electrical Outlets
- Charred Outlets
- Smoke
- Tripped Circuit Breakers
- Blown Fuses
- Appliance Malfunction
- Electrical Shocks
- Power Outages
It’s important to take action immediately if you notice any of these hazards. Be sure to act in the safest manner possible.

Electrical Fire Safety Resources
www.southwales-fire.gov.uk – The website representing the governing body for the south Wales fire and rescue service. On this website you’ll find all sorts of practical information surrounding fire safety, including a map of your nearest fire stations.
www.gov.uk/workplace-fire-safety-your-responsibilities – The website representing the UK government. This resource gives information for commercial premises, business owners, landlords and non domestic properties. This website will give you up to date information on UK legislation.
www.gov.uk/workplace-fire-safety-your-responsibilities – The website representing the UK government. This resource gives information for commercial premises, business owners, landlords and non domestic properties. This website will give you up to date information on UK legislation.